Friday, May 22, 2020


I have a Twitter account.
A lot of you may have found your way to these words via a link posted on that account. This is the part of social media that I can relax and enjoy. My words become available to a larger audience because of the configuration of Al Gore's Internet. That's nice.
I also enjoy participating in the brief exchanges that occur on that outlet. Random thoughts or concerns that aren't big enough to fill up an entire blog are well-suited for Twitter. Jokes, mostly, because I tend toward the cynical or sarcastic. For the past few years I have made an avocation of dropping by the "president's" Twitter feed to poke fun at his bluster. Most of it stops just this side of derision, since I try to maintain a pretty clean stream. No profanity from this guy. Just a steady stream of heavy sighs and eye-rolling.
Because that is what he deserves. I maintain no delusions that he has every laid eyes on anything I write because that would suggest that he was capable of reading. How do I know this? Well, he recently retweeted someone else's thoughts about taking hydroxychloroquine. Somewhere in this odd cyber-exchange, the "president" must have assumed that what was run in front of him was support for his insistence that this medication would make him invulnerable to COVID-19. In spite of all the reports to the contrary, including the FDA. The issue seemed to be more a matter of shouting down critics at Fox News than anything science-related. The Hoarse Whisperer, a critic of the "president" who has very few of the constraints on his online presence that I do, posted this: 
Fox News on hydroxychloroquine in the last two days:

Neil Cavuto: It’ll kill you!!!

Laura Ingraham: Take it! Take it! Take it!

Which one could read as a slam on Fox News. Sure. But it also suggests that Laura Ingraham is proposing that the "president" take a drug that will kill him. Now, if the "president" had previously shown anything remotely resembling a sense of humor, one might believe that he was being clever.
Not so much.
He was simply lost in a flurry of rage-tweeting that meant he didn't bother to check his sources. This Twitter moment was preceded just a few days prior by the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, donating ten million dollars to the Oakland Unified School District to help close the Digital Divide. I tweeted about that. Because it made me happy. No tweets about this donation are forthcoming from the "president." I'm not sure he gets it.

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