Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Pursuit Of Happiness*

*The almighty dollar
I read, with some interest, the account of a gym in New Jersey. Atilis Gym, owned by Ian Smith, opened this past Monday in spite of the statewide order to remain closed. Said Ian, "The 14th Amendment states that no state shall pass any law that infringes upon our rights as citizens, and we’ve been forced into our homes. Enough is enough."
For the record, in 1787, there weren't a lot of gyms being opened or closed so the framers of that fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States may not have had Ian's specific case in mind.
No matter. Mister Smith opened his doors and let folks in at eight o'clock in the morning. The police showed up a little after ten. "Formally, you are all in violation of the executive order. On that note, have a good day. Everybody be safe," the officer said before walking away as the crowd erupted in cheers. 
Note the "crowd" in that last bit. Crowds are not, by definition, currently safe. Not during a global pandemic. Which is probably why state officials felt the need to remind its citizens of just that. New Jersey's Attorney General: “New Jersey’s law enforcement officers are on the front lines of this pandemic – not just protecting and serving all residents, but also balancing public health and public safety as they enforce the Governor’s executive orders. Those individuals who violate the Governor’s orders make it harder for our officers to do their jobs and they put our officers at risk. I commend law enforcement’s bravery and diligence today and every day.”
So let's go back to that fourteenth amendment again. This is not a law that was passed. This was an executive order. On the day that the Atilis Gym invited folks back in to get properly pumped, more than ten thousand New Jerseyians had died from COVID-19. The state had nearly one hundred fifty thousand confirmed cases. For some perspective on those numbers, the United States recently passed ninety thousand deaths. That means that New Jersey has just a skosh over ten percent of the death toll for the entire country. 
Why would anyone not want to err on the side of caution?
Perhaps because if they choose to flaunt their "constitutional rights" by beasting up, they can get themselves on television. Fox television. Tucker Carlson. But television nonetheless. Feel free at this moment to start a clock on any and all patrons and staff of Atilis Gym and their continued health. Science has shown that acts of "civil disobedience" such as this have generated hot spots that have made everyone's jobs, and lives, more difficult. 
And yes, I fully expect that if there hasn't already been an obituary printed that insists that the dearly departed gave his or her life to get totally jacked. As clearly outlined in the United States Constitution. Everyone knows that James Madison would get completely shredded about five times a week. 
But not during a global pandemic. 

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