Friday, February 14, 2020

How Long?

Once upon a time
is an easy enough
way to begin.
It wasn't forever
or always because
that doesn't happen.
It wasn't a dream
because that would be
far too mundane.
We fell in love
overnight or
was it a weekend?
It could be that it took
decades or scores
of year after year.
There aren't any cards
that tell the story
of how we met.
There aren't any songs
that make me feel
like spending a life.
With you.
Not without you.
Close to you.
I wouldn't want to miss
a moment not a wink
of the days together.
Because now we have
something significant,
a monument.
It's much more than
a bushel or a peck
or even a ton.
This love goes on
and on but this poem

1 comment:

  1. There aren't any? Well, except for all of them! Thanks for you know, you.
