Saturday, February 15, 2020

Can We Just Make It America Again?

The "president" tweeted a clip from Larry David's show Curb Your Enthusiasm. He added the caption, "Tough Guys For Trump." Well, not exactly that. He made sure the caps lock was on before he did it, but the actual content of the clip is Larry who is confronted by a motorcyclist who he had cut off inadvertently. When the beefy biker comes up to the driver's side window, Larry quickly dons a red MAGA cap which in turn causes the biker to immediately back down having found a fellow MAGAt. No matter that the scene in question is all part of illustrating how weak-willed and ineffectual Larry's character is, without the slightest conviction to any of the "principles" held by the "president's" minions, he merely dons the uniform and gets all the respect afforded a red baseball cap. Never mind that the rest of the episode points out in detail just how reprehensible his behavior is, including the part where he wears the hat to keep other diners away from him in a restaurant, convinced that the hat itself is "a great repellent."
Not that this kind of misguided bluster is anything new. On Monday evening, he told a crowd in New Hampshire that he expected the Coronavirus to be gone by April. He told his followers that they had nothing to fear from "the virus" because warmer temperatures would make it go away. Without any sort of scientific explanation to back it up. “The heat generally speaking kills this kind of virus,” he said.
And the red hats nodded.
The chants of "lock her up" that used to come as a response to the call of Hillary Clinton are now in full throat upon the mention of Nancy Pelosi. Apparently many of those red hats were infused with the notion that tearing a copy of the "president's" State of the Union was illegal. All a part of Making America Great Again. 
All it takes is a bunch of red baseball hats and the capacity to have your will mandated by a former game show host.

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