Tuesday, August 27, 2019

We Can Work It Out

I hate it when mom and dad fight.
This past week, Sony and Disney decided that there would be no more collaboration when it comes to the property known as Spider Man.
How do I feel about this? Well, since you asked:
Both of these companies each has more money than God and the idea that no deal could possibly be worked out is absurd. Amazon could stop delivering crock pots the next day and just start moving piles of cash from one studio to the other and they would still be doing great business.
Who knew in 1985 that Spider Man would be a cash insect in the cinematic firmament?
I did.
I never went as far as to say that Spider Man 3 was totally engrossing or that Andrew Garfield was the casting choice of the century, but I kept going on the first weekend to whatever Spider Man the powers that be chose to toss up on the screen. And mostly, lately, I have been rewarded for my loyalty.
Good for me.
And when I went to Disneyland, I got to meet Spidey and all was right with the world.
For about five movies. Just about long enough to get Spider Man fully integrated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The skeptic in me imagines that this was just about long enough for us fanboys to relax and start enjoying ourselves before the business end of show business came and spoiled our fun.
Look: I'm not asking for them to make a movie out of the DC/Marvel crossover Superman Versus The Amazing Spider Man. That would only lead to anarchy. Instead, I respectfully ask for the folks who wear suits and haven't read a comic book since they sold their Archies collection on Ebay to let the fourteen year olds handle this one.
Spider Man needs a home where he can walk through the streets of New York City and occasionally bump into members of the Fantastic Four, which is a discussion that needs to take place at another time in another place because decorum prohibits me from discussing that train wreck while we still have hope for Peter Parker.
And Mary Jane.
And Aunt May.
And J.Jonah Jameson.
Okay, maybe not so much for J.J.
But can't we all just get along?

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