Monday, August 26, 2019

A Fine Whine

It occurred to me just the other day that, considering he is potentially one of the most powerful men in the world, Donald Trump sure does whine a lot. This may have something to do with his last two press secretaries looking for a career in TV instead: Sarah Huckabee Sanders will now be a contributor to Fox News. Please take a moment to savor the irony of someone who killed press briefings from the the White House becoming a member of the Fourth Estate. On the same day Ms. Huckabee's career took this turn, Sean Spicer announced that he would be participating in this season's iteration of "Dancing With The Stars." Precisely how Mr. Spicer earned the descriptor "Star" is open to wide and salacious debate, but won't it be fun to see ABC executives attempting to dance their way around all the disgruntled staffers who will bear witness to this freak show.
What I am suggesting is that all of this fuss is nothing compared to the day to day onslaught of his Orangeness' moaning and complaining.
For example: "Henry Ford would be very disappointed if he saw his modern-day descendants wanting to build a much more expensive car, that is far less safe and doesn’t work as well, because execs don’t want to fight California regulators. Car companies should know that when this Administration’s alternative is no longer available, California will squeeze them to a point of business ruin. Only reason California is now talking to them is because the Feds are giving a far better alternative, which is much better for consumers!" That was the whiny threat the "president" threw out in response to an agreement with the state of California that lays out the goal of an average vehicle fuel economy of fifty miles per gallon by 2025.
So, let's imagine that you are the White House Press Secretary and you were asked to defend this line of "reasoning." Fuel economy means savings in both gasoline and emissions. How is this a problem for consumers? Especially since Ford, Honda, Volkswagen and BMW signed up without putting up a fight. "Far less safe and doesn't work as well?" That would be the "president" dancing once again on the end of a pin, also known as the top of his head. 
All of which may explain why the new White House Press Secretary has taken up drinking and driving. 

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