Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sounds Like Trouble

So here's what confuses me: a lot of things.
More specifically and currently, why would Orenthal James Simpson start up his Twitter account with a video of himself welcoming viewers to his "real" account and goes on to tell anyone listening that he will be sharing his ideas and opinions about "everything" and how he's got "a little getting even to do."
I know. There are plenty of celebrity types out there who maintain a social media presence that has a lot of poking and prodding in it. "Feuds" are common and "throwing shade" is part of what goes on daily out there in InstaTwitland. But this is a convicted felon and accused murderer talking about "getting even."
In case you missed it, O.J. Simpson was a football player of some renown in the seventies and went on to made some silly movies in the late eighties and early nineties. And shortly after that, someone hacked his ex-wife and her boyfriend. That's when the silly came to a screeching halt. There was a low-speed chase and a trial of the century and some gloves that didn't fit so the jury could not acquit. And then Mister Simpson wrote, with help, a book called "If I Did It." Because he couldn't have done it. But if he did, it might have gone something like this...
But the book was blocked from release, and so O.J. did what any self-respecting grieving widower would do: He went on television to tell his story. And he got paid for this. Which was important since he needed to pay the damages of a civil lawsuit filed by his ex-wife's family to the tune of thirty-three million dollars. Which meant that he needed to keep making money to show how not guilty he was.
Somewhere in there, it occurred to this former Heisman Award winner that he could get plenty of cash for signing things, and he went to Las Vegas where such things are encouraged and supported. But wouldn't you know it, somehow he got himself mixed up with a bunch of bad guys who broke into a hotel room in Sin City to steal some memorabilia at gunpoint.
This time he was found guilty and he went to jail.
And now he's out and he's got some "getting even to do."
Ha ha. Sounds like fun.
Lock your doors. 

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