Saturday, June 22, 2019

Destination Unkown

Space tourism.
No thanks.
Do I really need to explain myself? Okay, at the risk of repeating every fear and cause for fear I might have surrounding life on this planet, why would I take those off the planet?
First of all, I'm not a huge fan of travel. There is a distinction here: I don't mind being in new and different places. It's the getting there that bugs me. I don't tend to sleep in moving vehicles, and I expect that if I am unable to drift off while rolling along at a cruise-controlled seventy miles an hour on the interstate, the thrust of a rocket engine behind me wouldn't be the thing that would lull me off to slumberland.
Then there's that whole control thing. I would expect that these trips to outer space won't be piloted by yours truly anytime soon, so I would be putting my organic bits in the hands of someone who is completely qualified and highly trained in all manner of emergency procedures. Like in case of cabin decompression, pull down on the mask and speak your last words into it because that thing is going to turn inside out in just a second or two because you're travelling in the vacuum of space. Where no one can you scream or pray. So there.
Yes, I know this creates a pretty thick double standard since I continue to be willing to put myself in the hands of licensed airline pilots, and I am on occasion willing to sit in an exit row and to take on all the responsibilities accorded to such a seat. Honestly, I try not to think about it a lot. Somewhere just below the surface beats the heart of a terrified passenger who has just seen a gremlin on the wing of the plane. No really.
All of which won't matter a lot if they find really cool places to go on these space tours. It will have to be better than Disney's Jungle Cruise, or the warm waters of Key West. And since I haven't been to Europe yet, I imagine there would be some hue and cry about how I went to visit Jupiter's moons before I ever navigated the canals of Venice. Which makes me a horrible person. Who doesn't like to travel.
But I am guessing that if any plane, train or spaceship came equipped with one of those hypersleep chambers that seem to be all the rage in those science fiction stories, then maybe you've got yourself a new rider. Wake me up when we get there. 

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