Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Truth Is Out There

If everything is in fact a conspiracy, why would you trust this blog?
Maybe you assume that since you tend to get along with a portion of the opinions and ideas expressed here, what I am presenting is the truth. That's a small "t." Why would this little corner of Al Gore's Internet have the market cornered on such a commodity? Shouldn't we look at this page with the same jaundiced eye that takes in the rest of that questionable information that gets flung at the collective us every day?
If I told you that the government was running a secret program to investigate Unidentified Flying Objects, would you believe it? If I told you that a group of researchers were sent out to the deserts of Nevada to check out what was really happening in the skies above us? If I told you it ran for five years and was eventually shut down because the cost ran up to twenty-two million dollars, wouldn't that make sense? If I told you that the program ran from 2007 to 2012, would you still believe it?
This wasn't the first endeavor of its kind operated by your government. Between 1947 and 1969, more than twelve thousand incidents of possible contact with extraterrestrials were investigated and while many of these encounters remain under lock and key, the work of Project Blue Book is available online. Just a click or two away.
I encourage you to spend some time examining the contents of this archive, and decide for yourself. Is this a smoke screen put up by the powers-that-be in order to obscure exactly what happened and when, or should we trust that these government types did a thorough job researching all available data and came up empty?
Because that's the way our government tends to do things, after all.
Or maybe they are here now. You know what I mean. These reports and revelations of absolutely nothing going on are exactly the kind of thing that would be released by a group of intensely secretive individuals who were hoping to misdirect that public and send them off to their metaphorical bed with a nice warm glass of metaphorical milk. Nothing to see here. All is well. Humanoid replicants have not been placed among us in order to subvert our collective wisdom and send us down a path that would make us ripe for the coming invasion.
Trust the government. Why would they lie?

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