Friday, December 22, 2017

No Spoilers - Really

Raising a kid in today's world is a challenge. So many distractions, so many choices. How can you ensure that yours will stay on the right path?
My wife and I talked about this as we walked out of The Last Jedi. Light side. Dark side. It's a little like making toast. A piece of toast that will go forth and bear testament to your family and its ability to parent for the next generation. A very high-stakes piece of toast. Jedi or Sith? It's a pretty clear choice from where we are sitting, but a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, it wasn't always so easy.
To hear his parents tell it, young Ben Solo grew up with a father who was away from home a lot. His mother struggling to make ends meet and run a rebellion, it was their choice to send him off with his wacky uncle, the hermit. The hermit whose father had tried to kill him half a dozen times and managed to cut his hand off "to teach him a lesson." Or something like that. Depending on whose account you believe, after that summer camp with light sabers, Ben ran off and changed his name and his style, ditching the loose fitting robes for something more tailored. With a helmet. And a cape. 
It seems that even a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there were predators waiting to scoop up those wayward youths who strayed from the straight and narrow. Ben joined a gang.
His parents must have been devastated. I can only imagine how they must have felt, knowing their offspring was out there, running around with a bunch of toughs, roughing up the indigenous peoples and blowing up planets. I know how I felt when my son got a speeding ticket. Destroying an entire world? He would definitely have some explaining to do.
So this is why I feel some compassion for Sarah Palin. Last Saturday, she had to call the police to report that her son was "freaking out and was on some type of medication." Officers responding to the scene discovered Sarah's husband, Todd leaving the residence in a vehicle with "injuries to his face and head based on the visible blood running down his face." Their twenty-nine year old son Track was charged with one count of felony burglary, one count of fourth-degree assault, and one count of fourth-degree criminal mischief for causing property damage of between $250 and $999. No evidence of light saber abuse was found at the scene. 
Kids these days. And a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. 

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