Sunday, August 27, 2017

What Master Race?

Chris Cantwell. Does the name ring a bell? No? How about if I said, "The Nazi who spouted off on HBO's Vice News?" 
Yes. I know. "Neo-Nazi." I have a hard time with that. Like somehow it's a new and improved Nazi. Now with twenty percent more White Power!
Nope. This is a guy who yearns for confrontation. He went to jail in Charlottesville on  two counts of illegal use of tear gas and one count of unlawful release of gas causing injury. Mister Cantwell admits that he had pepper sprayed a counter-protester on August 11, but he only did so in "self-defense."
A lot of what Chris Cantwell does seems to be in self-defense. Like the video he released days after the ugly mess in Virginia, when he tearfully recounts the struggles he's had to endure since hearing that he had a warrant out for his arrest.
He said he feared for his life.
I'm not a big fan of suffering on anyone's part, but I suppose I can make an exception here. This is a guy who spouts stuff like, “I’m here to spread my ideas, talk, in the hopes that somebody more capable will come along and do that. Somebody like Donald Trump who does not give his daughter to a Jew.”
Hello? Where do you think the safe place for this guy would be? It's not OKCupd, the dating site. They said they banned Mister Cantwell on principle, but it the straight/gay/other categorization allowed in their classification system probably wouldn't have covered whatever profile that might have been necessary to put Chris in the best possible light. "Ultra-Straight Nazi looking for Aryan Bride for taking long walks by torchlight. Must love the smell of pepper spray."
Do I hope they keep Chris Cantwell safe as he awaits his next encounter with the justice system? Very much so, yes. What this crowd does not need is any kind of a martyr.
Just a Nazi with intimacy issues. 

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