Saturday, August 26, 2017

Seen And Not Seen

I have always maintained that if you walk into a situation expecting a confrontation, you will probably get your wish.I put forth as evidence of this assertion, the "President" of the United States. 
Tuesday evening, Orange Julius appeared in Phoenix, Arizona. He was there for a rally. A rally that was intended to boost those good feelings about our Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Or maybe it was to soothe his wounded ego after a couple weeks of abuse by the real bad guys.
Justin Trudeau?
Nope. The focus of the "President's" ire was his favorite target. His punching bag. His white whale. The media. Fake news. “Really bad people” who “foment divisions” because they “don’t like our country.” He rambled on for an hour and fifteen minutes, and twenty of those were devoted to jabs at these bad people. He predicted that the dreaded MSM (mainstream media) would not cover his every utterance, but yet here they were, dutifully reporting back to the world the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) style oration. He also took wide swings at Arizona's senators, Flake and McCain, who have not been falling into line. And he danced on the edge of his rumored pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio“I won’t do it tonight because I don’t want to cause any controversy,” Trump explained. “But Sheriff Joe can feel good.” Meaning that Sheriff Joe won't have to worry about that conviction for criminal contempt of court stemming from a 2007 racial profiling case. 
And he kept hammering on how unfair the media is to him. All the time. He wanted us all to know that he was always saying the right thing about what happened in Charlottesville. “I hit ’em with neo-Nazi, I hit ’em with everything. KKK? We have KKK. I got ’em all. The only people giving a platform to these hate groups,” the "President" insisted, “is the media itself.”
So here we are, in the middle of a grand experiment in the Heisenberg Principle. Every time we stare into the abyss that is Donald Trump, we are surprised to find that there is nothing there. And yet we keep going back to look. 
Because of the sound. That horrible, horrible sound. 

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