Thursday, April 16, 2015

Trying To Separate The Furious From The Fast

There are plenty of ways this could go. The folks in the NRA often like to point out that guns don't kill, people do. It does help speed up the process for the people in question to have guns, but that's a matter of process, not intent. It also begs the question of intent a little, since the people and guns don't always have to be looking to kill, it happens accidentally. Guns are dangerous. So are knives. And airplanes and cars. I personally have suffered more loss via automotive and aeronautic disasters than I have through gun violence. So why not have mandatory waiting periods before the purchase of a car or plane?
Maybe that would keep tragedies like the one that happened in Disney World this past weekend from happening. A Lamborghini crashed into a guard rail, injuring the driver and killing the passenger at an exotic car event held at the second happiest place on earth. As part of an attraction that allows fans of these killing machines to get up close and personal with the object of their desire, people can drive or ride along in one of those really fast, expensive cars. It's the ride of a lifetime. Until it stops. Suddenly. That's not usually how these things go. Most of the time it's a quick photo and a video that can be posted to Youtube before it's off to search out the next big thrill. The Exotic Driving Experience reminds us, in small print, that you must be at least fourteen years old to participate, and if you are under eighteen you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. That would be the level of liability that is required. For a thrill ride.
Or you could avoid all those tiresome restrictions by heading out to Beijing, where you can race a Lamborghini or a Ferrari through the streets of China in the fashion of the Fast and Furious. Or is that in the spirit? Probably the latter, since the drivers of both those fast cars survived the crash, but left the passengers, one a naked woman, injured. In the repressive, no-fun capital of Communist China. Way to go, freedom fighters!
Back in the good old US of A, a van of no particular exotic make or model struck and killed a two year old girl. It was a hit and run in Milwaukee, Without the run. The driver, in this story, was killed. By a gun. Details are still sketchy, but apparently this particular accident was compounded by some of that people killing people with the aid of a firearm. A fifteen year old boy was found shot dead at the scene as well. Hitting and running in this case might have saved some lives.
I think I'm going to stay inside for a while. Where it's safe.

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