Friday, November 01, 2013

Who Ya Gonna Call?

In honor of Dia De Los Muertos, I would like to offer up the following solution to a couple of problems that have troubled us for some time now: The question of the existence of an afterlife and the issue of government sponsored spying on our own people. Let me start by saying that no one should be particularly surprised that the United States has a bunch of spies lurking about. These are the ones that have lovingly been referred to as "spooks." The concept of espionage is hundreds of years old. I know because it's one of the accomplishments I can gain on my way to building my winning Civilization. The one that I'm building on my computer, that is.
Out in the real world, spying is a treacherous business. Nobody really likes to be spied upon, but everyone seems to do it just the same. Just like everyone seems to want to know about what happens in the afterlife. Since we haven't had any really "good" intelligence since we found out that Osama bin Laden was hanging out in a condo in Pakistan, I suggest we focus our efforts on finding out where the dead people are. All the technology we have could easily be turned to this purpose. Motion sensing cameras and infrared goggles could be used to collect data on apparitions that have previously been captured by fuzzy Polaroids or bad VHS tape. Why not bring the other world to its knees by uncovering all its secrets. This could even become a multinational program, with international cooperation and funding. Once we figure out where the phantoms are, then we can decide how we want to deal with them. Just like we banded together to rid the globe of seaborne creatures with gigantic robots, we could unite in the effort to detect and contain poltergeists and the like.
Some might call me crazy for suggesting this. Others might call me Bill Murray.

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