Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ramblin' Guy

For some reason, this bit came into my head: "I'd like to talk about politics but first a little Foggy Mountain Breakdown." It's from a Steve Martin routine that begins by suggesting that you just can't sing a sad song while you're playing the banjo. And that's why I'm guessing that Barack Obama will be bringing his along when he comes to Fox Television in prime time, delaying the start of game six of the World Series by eight minutes.
Yes, sports fans, you read that right. Major League Baseball has agreed to push back the start time of a potential World Series Game six by eight minutes to allow Democrat Barack Obama to purchase a half-hour of air time on the Fox network. Please understand, I'm a huge Obama fan, but I know that brevity is not our man's strength. Like many big league pitchers, it takes him a few batters to really start to loosen up. He should be settling into his rhythm just about the time the little red light they've been using at the debates turns to red. The good new is , he's got the full half hour. The game is being pushed back to allow for all the attendant pre-game discussion and pageantry. Eight minutes.
Still, not to worry. This is a guy who who received his party's nomination in a football stadium. What better stage for him to make his last big play for fence sitters across this great land of ours. I do wonder if this won't put off the hard-core undecided baseball fans, but I think he'll be fine as long as he remembers his banjo.

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