Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the What?

My very good friend's father had a dream: He wanted to be in the movies. He was prepared with his own character, Joe the Pimp, and he even offered to "bring his own stable of ladies." He didn't really care what the movie was about, he just wanted Joe the Pimp to hit the big screen. This is what I thought about as I listened to the senators from Arizona and Illinois toss around the enigmatic presence of "Joe the Plumber."
Now that the mainstream media has its hooks in Joe, I'm guessing that he's wishing that he had skipped that meet and greet with Barack Obama. Joe Wurzelbacher, of Holland, Ohio asked the Democrat about his tax plan. And then the McCain campaign picked up on his misgivings and it all ended up on prime-time television.
Joe the Plumber's fifteen minutes of fame didn't run out before his lack of a plumbing license came to light, as well as outstanding tax bill of just under twelve hundred dollars. Welcome to big-time presidential politics, Joe. After a fairly pleasant interview with Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America," where he didn't give up who he was voting for, but did suggest that Obama's plan to redistribute America's wealth "sounds a lot like Socialism to me."
Now, for a few more days, Joe the Plumber will be a political hackey sack to be kicked from one side of the country to the next until a new "real-live-person" can be located for further embarrassment or vilification to the service of the democratic process. If we're lucky, maybe this time it will be Joe the Pimp. I can't wait to hear how he wants to redistribute the wealth.

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