Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Should They Stay Or Should They Go Now?

"Both those men are doing fantastic jobs and I strongly support them," so sayeth President Pinhead in regard to his loyal henchmen, Donald "Rummy" Rumsfeld and Dick "Dick" Cheney. Let's take just a short trip in the way-back machine to Pinhead's comments about FEMA director Michael "Brownie" Brown in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." Yeah. Right. Okay.
Hungry for more irony? If only it was some sort of dietary supplement. Pinhead would be supplying us with more than our daily requirement. Remember when George Tenet was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Considered to be equivalent to the Congressional Medal of Honor, Tenet earned his prize by supplying faulty, if not patently false, intelligence on Iraq on the eve of our invasion. He was the one that said that pinning weapons of mass destruction on Saddam Hussein would be a "slam dunk." Oops. Other recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Hank Aaron, Lucille Ball, Jim Lovell, Nelson Mandela, Danny Kaye, Martin Luther King Jr., and L. Paul Bremer. Does that last one sound familiar? Probably because he and "Slam Dunk" got their medals on the same day. Bremer was the Director of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance for post-war Iraq. I don't suppose you'd need to see too many photos of "post-war" Iraq to figure out why this guy lost his job. Still, it was worth a medal. In his book, available exclusively from Whiner's Press, "Paul" maintains that he was used as the Iraq "fall guy" for "postwar setbacks." Not the least of these setbacks would be that the war seems to be going on still, and postwar setbacks can't really occur until the war is over.
Okay, stop it already. Now you're making my head hurt. Rummy and Dick are guaranteed a job until the end of Pinhead's administration, so the only logical conclusion is to terminate Pinhead's administration. That way we won't hurt anybody's feelings.

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