Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Daily News

Should I feel guilty about the turkey vultures coming home to roost on the quivering remains of Newt Gingrich's twitching corpse and the shriveled husk of the Republican Revolution? Should I feel remorse for the way that the media seems to have turned, all at once, back to that real and true liberally-biased institution it was accused of being for the past six years? Wait, I'm starting to feel a twinge. Nope. Just a touch of the vapors.
It's 2006, and just before the mid-term elections, TIME magazine is running a cover with a picture of President Pinhead wandering off the page (to the left, for you fans of semiotics) with the legend: "The Lone Ranger: He's faltering in Iraq. He's out of favor with his own party. He's increasingly isolated. Why this election is all about George W. Bush and the world he's created." Do these crazed lefty nuts think they can steal an election by printing this kind of slander? Or is it libel? Whatever the case, it would seem that is exactly what they are attempting to do.
Up the street at Newsweek, it's almost like 1975 when Bruce Springsteen appeared on the covers of both national news magazines in the same week. The News for this week": "Rethinking Iraq: The Way Forward - The drawdown option: It is past time to confront reality. To avoid total defeat, the United States must reduce and redeploy its troops and nudge the Iraqis toward a deal. Here's how."
Somehow, we've all woken up from a five year long nap, and discovered that the Pinheads have taken over the asylum. The emperor, aside from having no clothes on, has a pointy head. Am I comforted by the choices available to me from the other side? Alas, I cannot say that the Democratic party has fared well in their self-imposed stasis, but maybe now that there is blood in the water, metaphorically speaking, they will start to swim for the bait. We can only hope.

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