Monday, August 28, 2006

Putting a Finger in the Dike

President Pinhead said Monday the huge job of rebuilding from Hurricane Katrina was just beginning a year after the massive storm but expressed hope that the $110 billion of help sent from Washington would be enough. He issued this proclamation from Biloxi, Mississippi - the place where he got his first-hand photo-op exposure to the devastation left in the wake of last year's biggest natural and political disasters. Of the $110 billion in hurricane aid approved by Congress, just $44 billion has been spent. Overall, the administration has released $77 billion to the states, reserving the rest for future needs.
The line for taking pot-shots at FEMA, Pinhead, and the rest of the inept machine that allowed so much suffering forms to the right. Homeowners who are living in government supplied trailers on or near their own property are asked to make way for those individuals who have yet to receive their "deluxe" accommodations from the government. Those who lost loved ones in the week that it took to get medical aid and supplies to those most in need are also given first whack.
And if you don't believe me, tune in tomorrow, when Pinhead Once lands in Louisiana and the folks there get their shot. House Democrats on Monday toured devastated areas of New Orleans and decried the slow pace of recovery. "I think the American public is going to be very, very surprised to know this recovery is way, way behind what their expectations would have been," Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina said after a tour that took more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress through the heavily hit Ninth Ward. "It's hard to believe this is the United States," said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland.

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