Friday, January 24, 2025

Seeing The Future Through The Past

 The first thing that aliens saw of our fledgling society was a bunch of Nazis cheering. That is according to noted dead science guy, Carl Sagan. In his book Contact and the subsequent film adaptation, The science behind this notion that the televised bits from the 1936 Olympics might be the first glimpse an alien civilization might get from our little blue marble would be the waves we sent out first. History tells us that would be the experimental television broadcast made by Adolf Hitler to promote his Third Reich's dominance in those games. The images presented therein might be enough to put any intelligent race of plants or ashtrays off of visiting our corner of the galaxy for a good long time.

So maybe these ashtrays or plants decided to wait a hundred years, give or take, to check back in on us down here on Earth. And what they happen to see is the Tech President giving a salute to his followers at the rally commemorating his president in charge of vice. From the podium in front of cheering minions, Elongated Mush gave what can best be described as a full-on Nazi salute. Twice. With the whole world watching. 

The whole galaxy. 

What was the Mush-man's response to those who were put off by his retro-fascist gesture? “Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The ‘everyone is Hitler’ attack is sooo tired.” The Anti-Defamation League attempted to gloss over the incident, posting, “Our politics are inflamed, and social media only adds to the anxiety. In this moment, all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath.” 

Whatever happened to "Never Again?" Are we really going to give this apartheid=raised supporter of far-right extremists in Europe and elsewhere a break?  Not everyone who walks like a duck and talks like a duck is, in fact, a duck. But if he happens to walk like a Nazi, talk like a Nazi, write checks like a Nazi and give a Nazi salute in front of screaming crowds? I believe the message is pretty clear. 

And for those of you on GarblemX-9? You folks will have to make up your own collective hive mind. But if I can put in a request, why don't you come and get your boy before he ends up causing any real trouble. 

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