Sunday, January 26, 2025

New Year, Old Story

 Dateline: Nashville, Tennessee

Purported writing of the alleged shooter who may or may not have shot and killed a sixteen year old student at the supposed Antioch High School is rumored to show a possible connection between the killer and his ostensible victim. This incident may or may not have occurred on Wednesday, January 22 in what was reported to be the cafeteria. 


Writing of the seventeen year old killer of a sixteen year old Antioch High School student contained violent and racist content including a detailed plan for the murder. The boy then turned the gun on himself making all of this "conjecture" necessary. 

It's an old song. It's a tired dance. The fact that the killer live-streamed on Kick, a social media site based in Australia may be the "fresh" part of this item. 

Otherwise, it's just the first school shooting of 2025. In 2024, there were eighty-three. This provides our gun-totin' populace eighty-two more opportunities to tell the same story from different cities with varying amounts of specificity. One clever commenter pointed out that this murder was committed with a handgun, "proving" that assault weapons are not the cause of school shootings. 

Nice use of the Socratic Dialogue there, pinhead. 

Also, some of you may remember way back in 2023 when a twenty-eight year old killer shot three nine year olds and three adults at the Covenant School located in Nashville. Which puts that municipality in a category with those that have had more than one mass shooting in their metro area. 

And the beat goes on. Whose town will be the next on the hit list?

When will we lose enough souls to feel like we should start praying before the gunfire erupts?

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