Saturday, September 07, 2024


 So, the convicted felon insists that he has "every right" to interfere with the 2020 election. 

It is September, 2024. 

Four years have passed since the twice-impeached ex-"president" and adjudicated rapist decided that he wanted to take on our nation's democratic process. He continues to try and stir up fuss about an election he lost by seven million votes. The Nile is not just a river and it runs through Mar-A-Lago. 

In addition to this continuing screed, the former game show host marvels that each indictment and conviction boosts his poll numbers. “Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it, you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up? When people get indicted, your poll numbers go down. But it was such, such nonsense.”

Nonsense indeed. Much in the same way that most everything that drips from the slit below his nose exacerbates the unprecedented amount of fabrication done by a single candidate. Brazenly suggesting that he would be "a dictator on day one," and that he would jail his political opponents, the very special world between his ears continues to be a dark and scary place. 

With millions of devoted followers. 

That, dear reader, continues to be the most frightening part. Even as the seventy-eight year old MAGAt in chief's slide into delirium, his red-capped legion continue to line up for his dissertations on bacon and wind power. Which wouldn't be as big a deal if the Supreme Court of the United States hadn't issued an opinion saying that the Orange Obelisk is immune from "official acts" as "president." 

I might suggest that in order to fall under the auspices of this decision, the guy who will be sentenced in New York soon for fraud would have to act in some way "presidential." 

And no, sneaking onto Arlington National Cemetery to make Tik-Tok video does not count. 

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