Monday, September 09, 2024

Facts Of Life - And Death

 Hot take: This is not a policy. “I don’t like that this is a fact of life. But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools. We’ve got to bolster security so if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children they’re not able.”

This was the response from the Republican candidate for Vice President, Jerry Donovan Vance, speaking the day after two kids and two teachers were killed at their high school in Georgia. The answer, for Jerry Donovan Vance, is to kill them before they kill us. Which sounds not just a little weird. 

It sounds psycho. 

But keeping in mind that his boss routinely mentions fictional mass murderer Hannibal Lecter in the ramblings he makes in front of rabid crowds, why not go ahead and swing for the fences? 

Or, you could propose has both stronger gun controls, such as banning sales of AR-15 and similar rifles, in addition to making sure classroom doors don’t lock from the outside. That is what our current Vice President has suggested. 

The line of Monday morning quarterbacks forming to find blame starts with those pointing at violent video games. Then the music that kids listen to. That awful rock and roll rubbish. If Frederic Wertham was alive today I am sure he would be pointing a finger at comic books. And ultimately the answer to guns is more guns. 

Which is horrifying, since the father of the shooter in Georgia insisted that the threats against the school could not have been made by his son, since at the time he was initially being investigated more than a year ago. It was shortly after that investigation ended that dad bought his boy the AR-15 that killed four people. At the high school he never would have imagined that he would do any harm. 

Keeping in mind that these kind of shootings are not "facts of life." They are facts of death. They do not happen only in schools. Parking lots. Churches. Theaters. City streets. That same guy who babbles on about the villain in Silence of the Lambs was recently the target of a kid with a gun. An AR-15. One might expect this would alter his views on assault weapons. 

Isn't that just a little bit weird? 

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