Tuesday, August 20, 2024

He Said What?

 How much more bizarre and dangerous will the GOP felon and his sidekick Dumpy become before election day? 

From my standpoint, I believe that each passing day brings new and confounding ways in which the Knucklehead Twins can make themselves appear increasingly less desirable as political candidates. 

How about this one: “Has anybody ever seen the movie ‘Gangs of New York’? That’s what I’m talking about,” J "Dumpy" Vance said. “We know that when we have these massive ethnic enclaves form in our country, it can sometimes lead to higher crime rates.” First of all, kudos for bringing up an often overlooked Scorsese film, but it should be noted that while based in fact from a book published in 1927, it is a work of fiction. 

Not a documentary. But a clever little dodge by naming a movie about a group of white folks beating and stealing and killing one another rather than simply pointing a finger directly at black and brown people. It does make me wonder if Dumpy has ever seen Blindspotting. Upon further reflection, it makes me wonder if he bothered to watch Gangs of New York before he started prattling on about it. 

Of course, making a point of any kind would be nice in the midst of the torrent of sound and fury spilling out of his boss' mouth on any given day. Like the stuff that he raved on about at yet another golf club press conference, including his assertion, “As you know, the Supreme Court ruled recently on immunity, and I’m immune from all of the stuff that they charged me with.” Which isn't true. The Supreme Court did say that Presidents are immune from prosecution related to "official acts," but “the President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official.” Here I feel it is worth citing a specific hypothetical: If a candidate for president were to falsify business documents in order to cover up hush money he paid an adult film actress with whom he had an extra-marital affair, that would be one of those not-so-immune situations. 


So, as the days and weeks tick by, we wait for the wheels to come all the way off the big red Republican wagon. How much weirder can it get? I hesitate to say, but stay tuned, Mister and Missus America. It continues to be a train wreck worth watching. 

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