Sunday, July 07, 2024

Out Of Touch

 I have written here before about the possibility that I may have missed something. I may have blinders on. It could be that I do not see the intrinsic value of having a former game show host and convicted felon lead our country. I spend so much time trapped in this bubble of compassionate liberal love for my fellow man that I don't attempt to reach out with any understanding to the one person who seems to need it the most. 

You have probably picked up on the fact that I rarely, if ever, refer to him by his name. I am giving him what could be called "Voldemort Status." He who shall not be named. This of course brings me to the brink of a potential discussion of the gender politics of JK Rowling, which could be part of my conditioning as a bleeding heart snowflake. That in itself is a disturbing enough image to want to steer clear of it for now. 

I find myself in the latter years of my life not simply annoyed by the direction or policies of a political party or candidate, but terrified. Nixon, Reagan, the Bush clan, they don't compete with the deep down visceral terror I have for the thought of letting 45 become 47. 

Is this rational? Our country has survived so much. Assassinations, wars, terrorist attacks, plagues. Why should the election of one man disturb me so very deeply? 

There have been times when I have trotted out the Martin Luther King Jr. quote, “The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Toward Justice.” Each time I think the arc might be bending in such a way as to mitigate the acts of this serial philanderer and rapist, convicted felon and failed businessman, someone seems to get in there and readjust the geometry. It could be that my own perspective is the part that is skewed. Maybe it's not about a Moral Universe at all. Maybe it's all about if you want to make an omelet, you've got to break a few eggs. Who really believes we were going to save this planet anyway? Two hundred fifty years is a pretty good run, empire-wise. Thomas Jefferson, who knew a few things about this sort of thing said, "We get the government we deserve." 

If there were people on the fence trying to decide between the orange husk of a man and Joe Biden before the debate and they decided that lying was infinitely more palatable than being sleepy, then maybe this is exactly how our story ends. 

Or maybe we need to take another look at that arc out there in the Moral Universe. Weather permitting, of course. 

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