Sunday, July 21, 2024

Not Everything's Legal In New Jersey

 Senator Bob Menendez was found guilty on all sixteen counts for which he was indicted. These include bribery, extortion, wire fraud, obstruction of justice and acting as a foreign agent. When his sentencing comes up at the end of October, he faces decades in prison. 


Senator Bob was "disappointed" with the jury's decision. “I have every faith that the law and the facts did not sustain that decision and that we will be successful upon appeal,” said an assuring Senator Bob. 

Did I mention Senator Bob is from New Jersey? Did I mention that he is a Democrat? 

Other Democrats lined up to insist that Senator Bob resign from the Senate. Meanwhile, Senator Bob is running for a fourth term. The election will be held one week after his sentencing. Doesn't that sound like an interesting scenario? 

Which brings us to the song and dance about a "two-tiered system of justice." This phrase gets tossed around when one party is pointing fingers at the other. But it would seem that guilt is guilt, and even the most expensive lawyers can't always keep folks who end up holding gold bars that used to belong to foreign agents out of jail. But, you can invest in even more expensive lawyers to drag out what is essentially inevitable. Harrison Williams Jr., a former senator from New Jersey, resigned back in 1982 and eventually went to prison for twenty-one months after being found guilty during the ABSCAM operation back in 1980. 

New Jersey. 

You have to go back to 1862 to find an expulsion from the United States Senate. That was when ten senators were given the heave not because of any gold bars or suitcases filled with cash but because they were loyal to a little group called The Confederacy. 

The sentencing of (checks notes) the Republican nominee for President was postponed after his pals in the Supreme Court muddied the waters of immunity. The new date for this convicted felon to find out if he will have to go to jail is September 18, "if it happens at all." Meanwhile, this Supreme Immunity was directly responsible for the dismissal of the classified documents case against (checks notes) well, you know. And you'll never guess who appointed the judge who made that ruling. That one took place in Florida. Just like New Jersey, but with better beaches. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    "Muddied the waters of immunity." Nicely (under)stated.
