Sunday, June 09, 2024


 So, in the big book of "yeah, but what about..." I submit this recent bit of news fluffery.

The folks at Faux News have been making a fuss about Doctor Jill Biden's appearances at Hunter Biden's trial on federal gun charges. The current First Lady took the time to come across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to support her stepson. In what appeared to at least one of their talking heads as "mob mentality," Doctor Jill was there starting with the jury selection, and then for opening statements. 

Like a concerned parent. 

Or the leader of a crime family, if you happen to subscribe to the mentality of Judge Jeanine Pirro. Get this, conspiracy buffs: She even stopped to give him a hug during breaks. What sort of message does that send? 

Maybe this: Jill has raised Hunter since he was two. She has lived through the ups and downs of his life, watching him struggle with addiction and put himself in situations that would make any mother step or otherwise cringe. 

She's there. Like she has been since she cared. Not to make political speeches on his behalf, but to make a family connection. Much in the same way that Don Junior and Eric milled around outside the New York City courtroom where their daddy was on trial. That one wasn't for gun possession. It was for covering up the payments he made to keep the affair he was having with their daddy's affair with a porn star. Donny and Eric were often obscured by the parade of Republican knee benders who were there, skipping votes in Congress, to supplicate themselves at the feet of their dear leader. 

Which one sounds more like an episode of The Sopranos? I leave that to you to figure out. 

And maybe I missed the report from Judge Jeannine or one of her Faux counterparts explaining why neither Melania nor Ivanka could be bothered to drop by the proceedings in New York that culminated in thirty-four guilty counts for the only convicted president in our nation's history. 

Stay tuned. 

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