Thursday, May 16, 2024

Spam, Lovely Spam

 Hello and thank you for tuning in. Again, or for the very first time. If you're a newbie, this might not mean so much but this little spot o'blog has been operating from this corner of Al Gore's Internet since May 6, 2005. It has been a daily occurrence since May 9 of that year. Once a day, just like a multi-vitamin. Unless you forget and then you have that rundown feeling all day until it occurs to you that you forgot to take your vitamins and now it's already past dinner and taking a vitamin after that seems a little ridiculous since you're gonna just get up tomorrow and do it all over again, right?

Except I haven't forgotten. Something has been here, waiting for those anxious to find out what sort of hijinks I might be up to over here in Entropical Paradise. A quick check of the stats suggest that I have even, on occasion, been known to publish a bonus blog or two over the course of a year. So here I am, congratulating myself once again for making the effort to grind out a page or so of what we here at EP Central hope is worth the time you spend reading it. 

All of which brings me to the topic for the day: Censorship. Happily, I have pretty much had my way with the words I cobble together here and while I have run afoul of a feeling or two, the benevolent owners of Blogspot have let me be. It's been a pretty good relationship for all these years, with nary a whisper of a complaint on their part, leaving little for me to complain about as far as my relationship with my cyber-landlords. 

But a few years back, my wife got it into her head that it would be nice for some of those folks who like their daily feedings to come through one tube, she created a Facebook page that would serve up your daily dose of Dave without having to go looking all over Al Gore's Creation to find it. Which was a very thoughtful thing to do, since I have avoided making regular trips to the Book of Face when I could avoid it myself. 

And that was fine. Until somewhat recently, when the Robot Overlords decided that some of my content was violating a Meta protocol that seemed aimed squarely at my prodigious output. It was determined by Mark Zuckerberg's monitoring software that I was generating spam. Because I was posting every day. Something must be wrong with that. Nefarious. Annoying. Conspiratorial. They blocked two different posts, so if you're one of those who prefer to have your Entropical Paradise to come to you with a piquant of Facebook, you may have missed me prattling on about feeling burdened by the media coverage Kristi the Puppy Killer was receiving, And back in April I was wondering about the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Columbine shooting. Mark's robo-minions felt that I was generating spam then too. 

Not the ones in between. Or the ones before that. Something about the way I hit the keys on those occasions set off an alarm. It would be flattering to think that there is someone whose job it is to read every single one of my blogs to determine their worthiness for Facebook. But we know that that would be ridiculous. Who has that kind of time? 

Well, dear reader, it would seem that you do. And I appreciate you for not reporting me. 

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