Sunday, May 05, 2024


 Once again, the twice-impeached former game show host is being hauled in front of a judge on charges of contempt. 

Specifically, this is the second time he is being held accountable for his statements about the judge, jury and witnesses connected to his trial in New York City. The first time he was fined one thousand dollars for each of the nine posts he made on his social media site, the always deathly ironic "Truth Social." How much truth is roughly comparable to the amount of actual socialization to be found there. Mostly this is a dumping ground for whatever rambling invective his tiny hands can muster between naps and tee times. The "really good stuff" he saves for his rallies, where he injects the faithful with his own personal brand of reality. 

The trouble is this: This is a guy who can and will continue to spread whatever bits of false wisdom he chooses to, even at one thousand dollars a pop, because he is certain that his minions will fully fund this enterprise. 

And they will come back for more. 

Instead I believe that Mister Multiple Indictments should be fined for every instance of his contempt. The way he drapes himself in the First Amendment is as repugnant as the way he embraces the American Flag. 

And the crowd cries out for more. How about the time he called for shoplifters to be shot on sight? “Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store, shot.” In his own personal brand of justice, he has called for release of those who have been convicted and jailed for their part in the insurrection of January 6, 2021. "Some people call them prisoners. I call them hostages. Release the J6 hostages, Joe. Release them, Joe. You can do it real easy, Joe." HIs tawdry complaints about the witnesses, prosecutors and jury of his initial criminal trial are just more of the same. 


And the crowd cries out for more. 

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