Wednesday, May 08, 2024

After Effects


I've had enough.

Turn them off. 

Turn them all off.

All the cameras. All the microphones. Stop recording these imbeciles for playback later. Are we really expecting that the level of discourse will suddenly shift and the rumored moral center will return? 

Let's start with America's Mayor, or at least that's how he used to be known. Rudy Guiliani recently announced that Saturday Night Live “got intimidated of saying anything that might be suggestively racist,” which, he says, is racist “in itself.”

Get it? Okay, blah blah blah First Ameendment he can say whatever he wants to. But do we have to listen? Stick microphones in front of him? 


Then there's the ASPCA's poster person for all the wrong reasons, Kristi Noem. After spending a week defending the release of her upcoming memoir, titled with supreme irony No Going Back, she landed on a number of different chat shows to explain why she is still in any way relevant. When asked about her account of meeting North Korea's Kim Jong Un, she said that she had been made aware that there were several edits being made for inaccuracies but stopped short of saying that as senator or governor of South Dakota that she had never met with the Beloved Leader of a communist country. Then when she was asked about the remarks she made at the end of the book about coming after Joe Biden's dog Commander. "Say hello to Cricket," she enthused in her book referring to the fourteen month old dog she shot and killed. Rather than back off the canine American tumult she had created, she doubled down: “Joe Biden’s dog has attacked twenty-four Secret Service people. So how many people is enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog,” Noem told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “That’s the question that the President should be held accountable to.”

The question I have for CBS News and every other media outlet: Can we just stick a metaphorical fork in this one? She's done. 

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