Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Heed These Words

 So most of you know that I write these bits days in advance. I like to keep a cushion just in case something should happen between the date I write and the date I post. This allows me the relative comfort of being able to miss a day if other commitments or technical issues come to the fore. 

That said, I hope you all enjoyed the Rapture this past Monday. I hope that there is Internet access left for those of us left stranded by the ascension of all those Christians who did their due diligence and repented ahead of the actual event. We were, to be fair, warned by such noted theologians as Marjorie Taylor Greene whose now eerily prescient Tweet: "God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens." Which is nice of her to give us all the warning about an astromical event that has been mathematically plotted and observed for hundreds of years, as well as the occurrence of approximately fifty-five earthquakes a day. And before you go and think that Marge has somehow switched her allegiance in any way to science, she followed that up with a reminder that God created earthquakes and eclipses, so her reasoning remains impeccable. 

I only wish that I wouldn't have scoffed at this dire warning from one of the nation's leading voices of reason. It was especially nice how she focused on Americans who need to repent just before a series of events that affect the entire planet, with slightly less than one third of the population who identify as Christians. Even here in America only two thirds of all of us identify by that label. I suppose this could be seen as a great recruiting ploy just ahead of Armageddon. 

Reports are still sketchy, but the guy who famously looked up from the White House balcony to stare into a solar eclipse and conveniently claimed to be god-fearing while living a life more along the lines of the seven deadly sins has not been heard from yet. 

Unless this turns out to all be a lot of hooey, in which case I'll be back to making fun of it all tomorrow. 

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