Monday, March 04, 2024

All In The Family

 Recently there was some talk about "crime families" in reference to the leadership of our nation. It was made by everyone's favorite theatre critic, Lauren Boebert, the Colorado Congressperson currently in search of a district to represent. She let this tweet fly on February 27: "The Biden Crime Family will go down as the most corrupt political family in American history."

This assertion was and continues to be in keeping with her search for a moral high ground in her attempt to disgrace the current president. No matter that her lord and master is the one who is currently involved, along with his sons, in multiple litigations against their family. Never mind that she really should think more than twice about hurling stones around the glass house in which she finds herself living.

We'll skip the review of the "Beetlejuice" incident, and the ugly divorce proceedings and skip right to Representative Boebert's eighteen year old son. While her own crusade to impeach Joe Biden has been all but evidence free, authorities in Rifle, Colorado picked up young Tyler Boebert last Tuesday afternoon after a string of recent vehicle trespassing incidents and property thefts in the area. Ms. Boebert's son faces twenty-two counts altogether, five of which are felonies. The charges include criminal possession of ID documents with multiple victims, conspiracy to commit a felony, first degree criminal trespassing and theft. Investigators identified the teenager  in part because he was caught on surveillance footage wearing a hoodie with the name of his mom's recently closed gun-themed eatery.

So, not exactly the Sopranos, but not the Cleavers either. 

All of which makes me glad that my public profile does not allow a lot of curiosity about the skeletons in my family's closet. The bus numbers and stop signs I borrowed from the city when I was a teenager. My recreational research into the effects of alcohol and various other chemicals from my college years. That time I stole penny candy from the neighborhood Ben Franklin. And the list goes on. Never arrested. Never charged. Embarrassed and guilty in front of my parents, but have tried to leave a clean slate in my adult life, including trips to the theater when I was able to keep my hands to myself thank you very much. 

And for the most part, able to avoid screeching hypocrisy. 

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