Sunday, February 04, 2024

The Show-Me State Of Affairs

 If you're like me, and if you weren't, why are you reading this? 

If you made it to this line, then I'll assume you're along for the ride, and the ride is this: We have reached the inevitable canyon of ennui some of us refer to us as "the dead week" between the Conference Championship games and the Super Bowl. 

Feel free to use that last sentence as your exit, I know that certain among us have no real interest or tolerance for sports talk.

But I'm talking about True Detective stuff here. Way back on January 9, three Kansas City Chiefs fans were found frozen to death two days after their team defeated the Los Angeles Chargers, sealing their playoff position and sending them off on the road to the Super Bowl. The host of the party, whose back yard in which the corpses were found answered the door with a glass of wine in his hand dressed only in his underwear when police knocked on his door. 

Thirty-eight year old Jordan Willis, of the wine and underwear, told authorities that he had been "asleep for the past two days" and had no reckoning of his popsicle pals. The current investigation is not one of foul play, but of foul play but of brutal amounts of beer and the possibility of other drugs being involved. A fifth member of the watch party left the scene at eleven that night and the other four were still alive, inside, and watching Jeopardy. "Um, what is hypothermia, Alex?"

There are currently two schools of thought: A tragic accident after a day of partying just a little too hard, and the one that suggests something more sinister. The most nefarious theory gone so far as to imply that the incident could be linked to Willis’ work as an HIV scientist with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative’s Neutralizing Antibody Center, Schief Lab. 

Meanwhile, Mister Willis has moved his things into storage and checked himself into rehab. Which seems logical, but I wouldn't want to count out the obvious connection between these horrific events and Taylor Swift.

Be honest, if you read this far, you knew that was coming. 

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