Sunday, February 11, 2024

Everywhere All At Once

 Elvis is everywhere.

He's in your cheeseburgers. 

Elvis is in Nutty Buddies!

Alas, Mojo Nixon will now be a part of everywhere as well. The man who gave us the wisdom found in that song for the ages, whose real name was Neill Kirby McMillan Junior, has gone to the "Who was the guy who did that thing?" section of the great beyond, remembered by so many as a "one hit wonder." For a while in 1987, Elvis is Everywhere really was everywhere. On MTV. On Arsenio. Inside of my CD player. 

I bought the whole album. And played it. Not just for the hit, but for the deeper cuts. Tunes like "Lincoln Logs," "I Don't Want No Foo Foo Haircut On My Head," and my own personal favorite, "The Polka Polka." And two years later, I bought the followup, Root Hog Or Die, featuring the somewhat controversial track "Debbie Gibson Is Pregnant With My Two-Headed Love Child." The one that had a video MTV refused to air. 

Which made harder and harder for Mojo's personal brand of psychobilly to be everywhere. Now I had to go and find him. On records he made with the Melvins. And Jello Biafra. And eventually his band, the Toadliquors. Mojo was playing a gig with that band aboard the Outlaw Country Cruise the night before he was found dead in his cabin. There was no immediate cause of death listed. He was only sixty-six years old. My own suspicion is that he finally achieved that perfect state of Elvis-ness and simply ascended into the heavens. Ironically, he is survived by Don Henley, to whom Mojo once dedicated the ode "Don Henley Must Die."

The world is a little quieter with Mojo gone, and no one who encountered him even briefly would say that he did not stomp on the Terra, right up to the end. He will be missed, but every time you feel just a little bit of Elvis inside of you, know that Mojo Nixon is everywhere. 

Aloha, Mojo. 

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