Friday, February 09, 2024

Ah Fortuna!

 Meanwhile, somewhere out there, a presidential campaign continues to wheeze and whine its way toward the bottom of this year. 

I have purposefully stayed away from discussion of the many and varied ways in which this circus has only become more ridiculous as the clown have left the GOP clown car, and the focus continues to be on the biggest clown of them all. Imagine being Nikki Haley, with her own set of peculiarities, unable to make a dent in the orange psycho's base in spite of being just this side of completely objectionable

Nevertheless, she persisted. 

The wailing from the right continues its persistent moan about the border and the economy and the way things were so much better back when things were being run by a former game show host who alternates appearances in court for defamation with those for fraud and soon for mishandling top secret documents and (checks notes) Election Interference. And still manages to sneak in the all-too-frequent rally in which he performs his greatest hits and complains how no one understands his suffering. 

The Republican Party has a choice. They could take their chances on former governor of South Carolina Haley, with her baggage, or the guy with a laundry list of indictments and a streak of misogyny that can be seen from outer space. Nikki Haley has never lost an election. And she will probably win a few primaries. Specifically those that have her as the only candidate, but this should not diminish the fact that a woman is running once again for the highest office in the land with only the aforementioned he-man woman hater as the competition. 

Which doesn't seem ironic as much as it does tragic. 

Please understand that there are several mythological beasts that would receive a vote from me before I supported Nikki Haley, but this thing we call the Democratic Process seems to have skipped a beat somewhere along the line. Not being under federal indictment should count for something, shouldn't it? She outlasted all those other clowns, but maybe the end of the trail comes when she realizes that it's her former boss that's pulling the strings. 

How unfortunate for all of us. 

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