Sunday, January 14, 2024

Whittling Down

 Now, it would seem, there are two. Two Republicans willing to put themselves through the discomfort that is running for President against one of the most notorious gangsters to ever run for public office. Please not that I said "gangster" and not "gangsta." I wouldn't want to imply any kind of street cred to this misogynistic, racist, homophobic, tiny-brained, twice-impeached, serially indicted flotsam that ever stuck his face into American politics. 

Chris Christie, former governor of the Garden State, has suspended his campaign. "I want to promise you this," he announced. "I’m going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again. And that’s more important than my own personal ambition."

I can see some of you in the back row applauding this statement, but let me remind you that Governor Chris was a part of the cabal that ushered the former "president" into office. Christie gave the gangster his personal okey doke back in 2016. He toed the party line in 2020 as well, perhaps extending the potential for The Big Lie that has hung over our country for the past three years. 

It would be very easy to focus on the clips of Chris Christie hugging Barack Obama just after Hurricane Sandy hit the New Jersey shores. Christie has spent the last twelve years insisting that it never really happened. Then there's the Jersey connection between Governor Christie and notorious left-wing musician Bruce Springsteen. Chris insists that they have had a very mutual "up and down" relationship over the years. Bruce sang at Joe Biden's inauguration. Bruce has hugged Barack Obama on several occasions. It's not something either one has tried to hide. They even ended up doing a podcast together. 

So Chris Christie has picked up the thread of those who are now vehemently against 45 becoming 47. After spending millions of dollars on his campaign, most recently with an ad blitz that reminded voters that “His Christmas message to anyone who disagrees with him? ‘Rot in Hell.’ He caused a riot on Capitol Hill — he’ll burn America to the ground to help himself.” Christie has failed to make the needle jump past single digits across the country. 

Apparently there is a mass of wild-eyed fanatics who drank the Kool-Aid back when Chris Christie was pushing it himself back in 2016. And they are not interested in any of the truth he may be trying to share now. Only a matter of time before the last two candidates standing in the way of tRump part II tear each other to bits, leaving one to wish that they could get their old job back when this is all over. 

Or maybe get a hug from Bruce Springsteen as a consolation prize. 

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