Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Time To Move On

 "Think of it, magnets. Now all I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets." If you missed this little snippet of the former game show host's performance last Friday night, he was giving his own personal take on elevator technology using something other than his preferred John Deere. Nothing really new here, just a man who stares at eclipses and blames windmills for whales beaching themselves. It's not like the potential leader of the free world needs to have a working knowledge of how magnets work, but water?

If it feels endearing that a man in his seventies lacks basic scientific knowledge that your average third grader has, then maybe we should move on: Like when this same guy was promoting the use of hydroxychloroquine to combat COVID-19. "What could it hurt?" was his ringing endorsement of the malaria drug. Well, recently a study suggested that nearly seventeen thousand people died because they took this unapproved drug when their systems were already overwhielmed by the virus. 

You might try asking any of those people what it could hurt. Except they're dead. 

Again, not a medical doctor. This is a guy who specializes in firing people and bankrupting the casinos he owns. 

But he wants to be President of the United States. Again. With an understanding of the United States Constitution that rivals his comprehension of medical and physical science. Imagining that his own personal creepy brand of charisma would be enough to boondoggle his way around the democratic process, he continues to appear in front of crowds who cheer him on and reinforce the idea that any of his notions regarding anything. Like magnets. Or hydroxychloroquine. Or being a human being.

The day before his dog an pony show landed in Iowa, a sixth grader was murdered while he as having breakfast at his school. What was the wisdom the former game show host had to lay down? “It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here,” he said. “But have to get over it, we have to move forward.”

Get over it? Move forward? 

Time to get over this misanthropic bloviator. 

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