Friday, January 19, 2024

Cold Wind Blowing

Sixty-eight percent of those Republican voters polled in Iowa after their caucuses last weekend said they believe that Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election. Approximately the same percentage that insisted that if their favorite over-inflated tangerine was forced to take the oath of office from a prison cell that would be okey doke with them. 

And it's not as if this were a tiny cross section of radicalized MAGAts. Iowa was chosen, once upon a time, as a model for the rest of our great nation. It was widely believed that as Iowa went, so would the rest of the country. So even as blizzards and sub-zero temperatures clamped down on the Midwest, GOP voters were urged to go out to local gymnasiums and churches to stand in corners and be counted. Let their votes be counted. Let freedom ring. 

Even though it makes so very little sense.

Meanwhile, as the snow piled up and the chill continued, the same dim minds that keep pushing for the insurrectionist in chief to be put back into the office he defiled, the brain trust behind all of this "conservatism" was shouting out on social media about "so-called global warming." Lauren Boebert, representative for the State of Colorado's Third District (for now) posted the following on the fourteenth of January: “You’ve got to appreciate the irony of climate protestors trudging through a foot of snow and -30 degree wind chills to yell about how the planet is warming.” Then she added: “They just don’t see it, do they?”  

Which reinvigorates that seemingly impossible to bridge the gulf for some of these proto-humans between weather and climate. Much in the same way that many of these same tiny brains wrestle with the difference between a "normal tourist visit" and the attempted violent overthrow of our democratic process. 

That frigid wind you feel is the reality of a divided country sneaking up on you. It's not climate change. It's the air being sucked out of the world by unreason. 

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