Thursday, December 21, 2023

Never Surrender

 The war rages on.

Not the one in Gaza.

Not the one in Ukraine. 

Not the on in Myanmar.

Not the one in Sudan.

Not the one in Maghreb.

Not the one against drugs.

The one against Christmas.

I am pleased to tell you that, as of this writing, Christmas will continue to be celebrated in and around the United States. I am sure this news comes as comfort to those of you who are still looking forward to yet another Black Friday Sale. Have no fear. Black Fridays will almost certainly continue before, during and after the current fir boughs and holly berries give way to cupids and hearts at your local retailers. Do not, repeat, DO NOT be discouraged by those lefties with their "happy holiday" greetings. This sort of weakness is just what the enemy works so hard to instigate. 

Don't be misled by "statistics" that show American spending around Christmas doing nothing but going up each year since the beginning of this century. That's just a way to placate those who insist that Christmas is all about commercialism. Don't believe it. 

But do believe this: The only to ban Christmas in America were Christians. In 1659, Puritans in the Massachusetts Bay Colony enacted a law called Penalty for Keeping Christmas. They felt that such “festivals as were superstitiously kept in other countries” were a “great dishonor of God and offence of others.” Anyone found celebrating Christmas by failing to work, “feasting, or any other way… shall pay for every such offence five shillings.” 

Which is really going to take its toll on your family's figgy pudding budget. 

Stay strong, 'Muricka. 

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