Saturday, December 16, 2023

Loss Of Innocence

 My principal asked me to check the boys bathroom. This was in the midst of afternoon dismissal, so I was spawning through the crowds of departing students and the occasional lost parent to get to the portal of the presumed scene of whatever ruckus was taking place. Or was about to take place. 

My entrance into the boys bathroom was not unlike the effect of turning on the kitchen light and watching the vermin scurry under cupboards, tables and chairs. It was a full house. Full of surprised and guilty faces, all looking for the exit. My command was abrupt and succinct: Out. There were a couple protestations, "I'm just washing my hands," and "I was going to the bathroom. Really." All of which were met by a repeat of the original command. 


As the usual suspects paraded past me, I asked one to hang back with me. Charles is a good kid whose tow older brothers had been educated in these halls. When the crowd departed, I implored him to tell me what the pending confrontation was going to be. Knowing that he would have immunity in this case, Charles unloaded the planned fisticuffs set between Derrick and Dom. It had been orchestrated earlier in the day by Alex. All of which made sense. Sad, terrible sense. 

When Derrick and Dom were in Kindergarten, they were inseparable. They moved around the playground as a unit, playing make believe games involving dinosaurs and other fantastic creatures. This bond continued until third grade. That's when Alex entered the picture. Alex wasn't much for make believe. He was more about intimidation and humiliation. Derrick wasn't interested, but Dom fell for Alex's schtick hard, and by the time they were all in fifth grade, it was Dom and Alex who could inevitably be found together at most any point during the day. Dom had taken up with the bully crew, leaving Derrick lost and confused. Dom was using his survival skills, leaving Derrick as the lone, slow gazelle. 

At the beginning of the year, exclusion was enough for Alex and his minions. Derrick tried to hang with them, but he was not allowed in. At times the sadness and frustration of having his best friend taken away spilled over in tears from Derrick. This only provided more ammunition for Alex, and by extension, Dom. 

Now, nearing the halfway point of the year, things seem to have escalated. Alex decided to stage a fight between these once upon a time friends for the amusement of as many fifth grade boys that could cram into the bathroom after school. The happy part, if there was one, was that Mister Caven appeared in the moments before hands were thrown. There was no fight in the boys bathroom. Derrick looked confused and Dom fled in the wake created by Alex. 

The only true casualty? My broken heart. 

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