Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Christmas Crunch

 An observant friend sent me a text that featured a picture of a box of Captain Crunch's Christmas Crunch. I want to believe that my reaction was the universal one: Don't you wish this was available all year long? Fun holiday shapes? Colors not found in nature? And all that sugar. Why limit this kind of sugar frenzy to just a couple of months? 

Which make me think of the two holiday confections that I save for that time of year as the days grow shorter and seasonal affective disorder is on the rise. Sure, you could try installing full spectrum bulbs in all the fixtures in your house. Or you could invest heavily in Karo Syrup, chocolate chips and marshmallow creme to make your days a little brigher. 

Or at the very least we can all hope to vibrate at a slightly higher frequency. 

It's the holdays, after all. 

Which brings us the the ritual slaughter of vaguely flightless fowl for the purposes of filling us all with more than our RDA of tryptophan. That only serves to counteract all that grasshopper pie and peanut brittle. It's a sum zero equation. Hey holiday hosts: Pick a lane! 

Understand that there is a precedence for festive gorging, but remember that moods are already tender things at this time of year, so be careful while you're shopping. 

Or maybe we could just stock up on Captain Crunch. 

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