Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 Politics, it has been said, makes strange bedfellows. 

Which is pretty yucky when you think about it.

At all. 

It's supposed to bring to mind visions of bipartisan agreements and the like. It really shouldn't give us time to consider anything that could be considered any sort of physical canoodling. But then again, Gary Hart, Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy have historically had something to say about that. You may remember that before we ever had Stormy Daniels to worry about, there was a matter of a videotape that may or may not have existed showing a certain former game show host who was caught watching a pair of Russian prostitutes defile a bed in which the Obamas formerly slept in Moscow's Ritz-Carlton hotel. 

I know, I know. I didn't want to bring it up, but it was that former game show host who brought it up yet again at a campaign stop in Iowa. Just in case any of us had just started to forget about the escapades of this bloated sack of oragne protoplasm, here it is again. For your consideration. And disgust.

Which is probably why we can only shrug our collective shoulders as we learn that compulsive liar and New York Representative George Santos has, among so very many other ridiculous and illegal things, used his campaign funds to pay for subscriptions to OnlyFans, a porn site. Yes, he also used supporters' money for Botox and designer shoes, but gosh aren't we happy to know just a little more about what may or may not be George Santos' personal pecadilloes. 

That is a rhetorical question. 


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