Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Time Off For Odd Behavior

 Jacob Chansley has filed paperwork to run for Congress. He would like to represent Arizona's eighth district. Mister Chansley registered as a Libertarian. 

I can see you wondering what all the fuss is about. 

Unless you recognize the secret identity of the "QAnon Shaman." Jacob has been out of the limelight for the past couple years. Because he has been in prison. Locked up for his role in the melee that occurred on January 6, 2021. He was the guy with the blue and red face paint wearing the buffalo headress. Originally sentenced to three years for his part in the riot, but received time off for good behavior. At the time of his sentencing, he told the court, "I am not a violent man or a white supremacist. I am truly repentant." Additionally, his lawyers wanted everyone to know that their client is on the autism spectrum and suffers from a personality disorder, which defense lawyer Albert Watkins said contributed to a diminished decision-making ability.

That Jacob Chansley. 

Truly repentant? You might want to check out Jacob's "Forbidden Truth Academy," a website that promotes Jacob's online courses in metaphysics and his podcast. And of course, there's swag. Only a matter of time before "Shaman for Congress" bumper stickers are available. 

And what about his chances? Well, his lord and savior the former game show host and insurrectionist-in-chief may be on his way to jail when the 2024 election occurs. 

We live in strange times. 

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