Monday, November 27, 2023

Borderline Ridiculous

 Ah yes. Problems at the border. Not the one between the United States and Mexico. This was more of a Great White North problem. 

On the night before Thanksgiving, a car packed with explosives attempted to crash through the barriers that separate our sovereign land and Canada. Obviously a terrorist attack. Didn't we all just know that leaving Joe Biden in charge of things would lead to something awful like this? Please feel free at this moment to wring your hands and furrow your brow. 

Except don't.

Because it wasn't a terrorist attack at all. It was a man and his wife, driving at excessive speeds in a very expensive but very much not loaded with explosives car that jumped a guardrail and was airborne briefly. When it landed it blew up. It was the always alert and not always clear on the details folks at Faux News that declared the terrorist attack. While other more responsible news organizations waited to hear from authorities on the scene, the Faux Folks repeated what "high level police sources" had told them about how this was obviously a nefarious act by our enemies. 

As it turns out, Kurt Villani and his wife Monica were supposed to attend a concert by the rock group Kiss. Lead singer for the band Paul Stanley was taken ill, and so the show was cancelled. Kurt and his wife were left with an evening without plans. So they decided to head north to Canada to gamble at a casino. They didn't make it. To be clear, these were American citizens out on a date night. 

Meanwhile, back at Faux News headquarters, the powers that be stuck with their version of the story until just about everyone else had decided to go with "freak accident." Even as their on-air talking heads began walking back their terrorist story, the social media trail that they had blazed remained intact for anyone not clever enough to double check their sources. 

Paul Stanley could not be reached for comment. 

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