Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 "The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA through our totally open southern border at record numbers. These are the same people, many of them, that did a number in Israel, a sneak attack. Same people we have pouring into our country by the thousands. Are they planning to attack within our country. Crooked Joe Biden and his boss Barack Hussein Obama did this to us. We cannot let this happen. They may be planning something very very bad...people are pouring in from the Middle East into our country, largely males, strong young males. What's going on over here? Are we going to be raided like Israel was raided?"

This screed appeared on an outlet known ironically as "Truth Social." It is a bit of jabber that might float listlessly to the bottom of the sea of misinformation except for the fact (truth) that it was delivered by the presumptive Republican nominee for President in 2024. Contrast this with the statement from Jason M. Blazakis, director of the Middlebury College’s Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism: "There is no credible evidence of Hamas on the southern border of the United States."

Somebody's not telling the truth. 

Jason M. Blazakis is a professor of practice at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies and a senior research fellow at the Soufan Center. From 2008-18, he was the office director at the State Department’s Counterterrorism Bureau, responsible for designating Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

The other guy? He's currently facing ninety-one felony counts. And he used to be a game show host. 

That's the Truth. 

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