Tuesday, October 31, 2023


 Yet another ugly scene unfolded in Lewiston, Maine last week. Colorado Representative Lauren "Hot Shot" Boebert issued a message sending prayers to Lewistown. I suppose she might have been so busy setting up her next Tinder rendezvous that she carelessly glossed over the correct spelling, or perhaps she was given a vision of an upcoming mass murder and the folks in Lewistown, Montana or the one in Pennsylvania had better be on the lookout. And if those don't come to pass, I'm sure she knows some obscenely armed individuals who would be willing to go out and make those dreams a reality. 

And the newly elected Speaker of the House, who correctly pointed out that he speaks for the House, had this to say about the carnage in Maine: "This is a dark time in America," he said. "We have a lot of problems and we're really, really hopeful and prayerful. Prayer is appropriate in a time like this, that the evil can end and this senseless violence can stop." He later went on Sean "Attaboy" Hannity's show on Faux News to declare, "The problem is the human heart, not guns."

To which I can only ask, "How many times has a human heart killed eighteen innocent victims and wounded a thirteen more?"

Maybe the problem is that while these folks are busy trying to figure out who gets to sit in the big chair they may have forgotten the "thoughts" part of "thoughts and prayers." This standard issue reply to mass shootings over the past decade or so has become a government issue panacea to those who prefer to do nothing about the bodies stacking up like cord wood because they are so mightily attached to a poorly written edict from the eighteenth century. Haters be hating and shooters be shooting. Sorry folks, nothing we can do here. Move along. 

To the next city where human beings are torn apart by assault type weapons. To the next city where families will forever mourn the passing of loved ones who just happened to be in the wrong bowling alley, church, school, movie theater, shopping mall, concert venue, or any other target-rich environment. 

Meanwhile, Sean "Attaboy" Hannity offered up his own prescription: “And then I always ask the question ― when something like this happens, what is your plan? What do you do? I have a personal security plan. I train in mixed martial arts.” 

Is it any wonder that these clowns can't spell the name of the most recent mass murder site? 

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