Sunday, October 08, 2023

It's Safe Somewhere

 Sorry folks, Republicans acting like Republicans captured the nation's interest as well as mine over the past few days. This caused me to miss bringing you this news: Five people were shot, ranging in age between eighteen and twenty-two, four of them students at Morgan State University near Baltimore.

The good news: No one died.

The bad news: The shooter is still at large.

The worse news: This was the third year in a row that a shooting has taken place during Morgan State's Homecoming Week. 

This is what administration referred to as "a worrisome trend." Furthermore, "This parade, homecoming concert and all other activities are canceled." Including the football game. 

Cancelling a college football game? How could this not have been front page news?

Well, Republicans. 

And another thing that creeped in on the side was all the lip service that conservatives would like to pay to the increase in crime across our nation's metropolitan areas. Recently podcaster and former game show host Joe Rogan referred to San Francisco as "a failed state." He was referring to the lawlessness and disorder that exists in The City Where Tony Bennett Left His Heart. 

But he didn't mention the other former game show host whose lawlessness and disorder is the focus of so much of our nation's attention these days. I can understand that shoplifting at Walgreens is a lot more interesting than tax fraud, but maybe what we are missing is all the decent behavior going on around the country. There will be plenty of colleges celebrating their homecoming weekends without gunfire over the next few weeks. A great many German Shepherds have not bitten Secret Service agents. 

I am suggesting that our haste to announce the disintegration of our great republic may be premature. I suggest we slow down just a bit and remember the good things about our planet while we wait for the guy who broke Twitter by purchasing it to get us all to Mars. 

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