Sunday, September 10, 2023

Rhymes With Tommy

 First of all, I believe that anyone who rises to a position of power like United States Senator might consider highlighting this portion of their resume. That being said, "Coach" Tommy Tuberville has declared that the United States Navy is "too woke." The evidence he gave for this conclusion was that “we’ve got people doing poems on aircraft carriers."

This wobbly rant is connected to the "Coach's" continued months-long hold on roughly three hundred military nominations over new Defense Department policies covering abortion. The casual observer might not grasp how the Defense Department policies covering abortion connect up with poems on an aircraft carrier, but "Coach" Tuberville certainly does. Recently, Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro accused the senator of “aiding and abetting communists” through his hold on military promotions.

This is not how "Coach" sees it. “Secretary Del Toro of the Navy, he needs to get to building ships, he needs to get to recruiting and he needs to get wokeness out of our Navy.” This would include but is not limited to the practice of reciting poetry over a loudspeaker on an aircraft carrier. 

That and the Defense Department's policy guaranteeing access to non-covered reproductive care Like many employers who are reacting to the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe v. Wade, the U.S. military is hoping to support its employees who are trying to navigate the increasingly byzantine paths for medical care. 

"Coach" Tuberville isn't having any of that. And he doesn't care for poetry either. “It is absolutely insane the direction we are headed in our military -- and we’re headed downhill, not uphill.”

To be read on an aircraft carrier:

There once was a coach named Tommy

Whose mood was tense and not calmy

He said we're too woke

Our Navy's a joke

I'm just glad they are not Islami

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