Friday, August 18, 2023


 As the tanks continue to converge on the bunker in south Florida, or as the hole in the ship of fools continues to sink, the band continues to play. 

A fresh set of indictments has landed squarely on top of the former game show host and his posse, while he continues to plot his next opportunity to seize the throne. The throne that only exists because he spoke it into existence. The crowds continue to cheer. The contributions continue to flow. This is business as usual in the bunker.

Except that Eva Braun is conspicuously absent. The former First Lady will not appear at the photo ops and the state fairs. Melania has chosen to fade somewhat discretely into the background. By contrast, Ron "The Ronster" DeSantis drags his wife most everywhere he roams, trying in vain to catch any sort of breeze that might be left over in the Titanic's wake. Just this past weekend, The Ronster decided that he wanted to put his feud with Disney behind him, since it has yet to bring him any sort of poll boost, with the reminder, “Look, my wife and I, we got married at Walt Disney World."

Melania married the twice impeached bloating sack of protoplasm in a ceremony that took place in Florida as well. Her first wedding. His third. By contrast, The Ronster and his wife Casey have remained devoted to one another and the fight against "woke," while the sack of protoplasm has had many dalliances outside the confines of his wedding vows. Why would we expect his attitudes toward marriage to be any different than those he has shown toward his oath of office? 

Not surprisingly, it was one of these dalliances that got the ball rolling in this indictment lollapalooza. Porn star Stormy Daniels, or if you prefer "adult entertainer," was paid to keep her trysts with the ex-president a secret. It just so happens that hush money eventually has to be accounted for and if tax laws were ignored on the way to keeping the adult entertainer quiet, it turns out that is illegal. 

So let's just drive on past that financial conundrum. What about the woman who had just given birth to the game show host's son while daddy was off at a golf tournament getting in some extra practice on his short game? All those images of Melania swatting those little orange hands away, those looks of disdain. And a conviction of sexual abuse and defamation of E Jean Carroll. 

And this clown wants to drag her out on another campaign trail? Thank you, no. Just a suggestion: She might want to consider the divorce proceedings before he ends up in jail. You'll want to get some of that Stormy Daniels/E Jean Carroll money for yourself. 

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