Thursday, August 24, 2023

Different Drum

 You and I travel to the beat of a different drum

Oh, can't you tell by the way I run

Every time you say that the most recent catastrophic weather event was caused by space lasers? This past July was the warmest month ever recorded.

Which is a pause just long enough for you to insist that the climate is always changing. It has for billions of years. The climate, you insist, is not the same as it was when dinosaurs roamed the earth. 

A valid point. To which I can only reply that since those dinosaurs went extinct and turned into fossils which in turn became fuel and we started burning them, the earth has gotten hotter.

Hotter? you wonder aloud. Are you going to tell those poor people up in Buffalo who had to dig out of feet of snow and who battled blizzards all winter long that their world is warming?

I will try to slow this down enough for you to comprehend: Seasons are different from climate. It has been eighty-four years since there has been a hurricane on the west coast of the United States.

So, you're saying it happened before. What's the big deal? 

The big deal is the frequency of these weather anomalies. Hurricanes are getting more severe as well as more frequent.

Which is great for the plywood industry. 

Entire species are going extinct.

Boo hoo. You're the one who told me about the dinosaurs. Things go extinct every day. 

Goodbye, I'll be leavin'I see no sense in this cryin' and grievin'We'll both live a lot longer if you live without me - with apologies to Mike Nesmith

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